Future STEM Possibilities

The Million Girls Moonshot seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, who can make. It will inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging millions more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the next 5 years. Learn more about how you can help at milliongirlsmoonshot.org.

What are the future STEM possibilities? This summer, Girls Build Solutions creates a unique opportunity to dream and develop a future STEM workforce inspired by learning outside the classroom.

The reimagined Girls Build Solutions event in 2024 is about actively building solutions together. In intergenerational teams, we’ll create Design Charrettes with youth, industry and philanthropy partners, and state leaders considering big challenges and designing solutions in four sectors: • Next Level Tech • Climate and Environmental Sciences • Health and Life Sciences • Space and Earth Sciences Please join us in honoring the 2024 Flight Crew, 51 teen advocates who are working in their communities and states to break down stereotypes about STEM and spark STEM curiosity among their peers. Girls Build Solutions is a national celebration of STEM Next’s Million Girls Moonshot.

Sponsorship Opportunities

INNOVATOR - $50,000

  • Co-created activation moment at a major event session, including an opportunity for brief sponsor remarks

  • Unique sponsorship video highlights reel and robust communication and media strategy, with opportunities for brand feature (including digital and social)

  • Recognition as sponsor of dedicated session or workshop, mutually determined by partners

  • Signature branding and engagement opportunities, like swag, program book ad, recognition in the mobile app, etc.

  • Sponsor 8 girls, selected by Moonshot, to attend the event and showcase their STEM journey

  • 4 complimentary corporate event registrations

INVENTOR - $25,000

  • Robust communication plan and event media strategy, with opportunities for brand feature (including digital and social)

  • Recognition as sponsor of dedicated session or workshop, mutually determined by partners

  • Signature branding and engagement opportunities, like swag, program book ad, recognition in the mobile app, etc.

  • Sponsor 3 girls, selected by Moonshot, to attend the event and showcase their STEM journey

  • 2 complimentary corporate event registrations

INFLUENCER - $10,000

  • Signature branding and engagement opportunities, like swag, program book ad, recognition in the mobile app, etc.

  • Sponsor 1 girl, selected by Moonshot, to attend the event and showcase her STEM journey

  • 1 complimentary corporate event registration


  • Sponsor a state team, showcasing best practices, deepening STEM communities of practice, and increasing STEM & workforce readiness.

Let’s Get Creative

Our team can work to customize an event activation that fits your goals and personality. Here are examples to illustrate the type of unique moments we’d love to bring to life together.

Ready for Blastoff?

Let us know who you are and get involved!